The Family Man by Kimberley Chambers is a mystery crime novel revolving around a criminal family. Kenny Bond is a criminal, cop killer, and gangster, but he still is a family man. Family Man takes us through a generation of a family of gangsters and thieves.
Meet the Bonds
Kenny Bond is finally out of prison after doing a long stretch for killing a copper, and is determined to get back to life on the straight and narrow. He’s got a lot of time to make up for, he’s missed his beloved wife, Sharon, and his family is growing up fast.
A family like no other
Kenny’s son Donny might lack his father’s edge but his twin grandsons, Beau and Brett – well, they are Bonds through and through. Like him, they won’t let anyone stand in their way.
But they’re about to meet their match
Family comes before everything else for Kenny. There’s nothing he won’t do for them. But there are enemies from his past he can’t shake off, and a family feud is brewing. Kenny’s determined that nothing, and no one, will threaten his family. But can the Bond family stick together when someone’s out to take them down?
You don’t want to be on the wrong side of . . .
Kimberly Chambers is a queen of gangland crime and needless to say, she has outdone herself with this novel. From the storyline to all the characters (and trust me there are so many), she wrote an outstanding mystery thriller based in the gangster world.
The story is addicting from the very start, and even though it's a thick book, you will not be bored on a single page. There's a mystery, love, friendship, betrayal, revenge, and whatnot. There are some masochistic men, which based on the 1970s is a perfect portrayal. I felt that we have really come far from how men used to treat women during those times, and that's something I feel really grateful about. So kudos to Kimberly for reminding me of that.
The accident relating to child abuse and rape crushed me. It was horrific to read and yet the author handled the incident perfectly.
This is the kind of book where you will have a love-hate relationship with all the characters. The characters were somewhat flawed and yet were totally right based on their situations. I hated them for what they did, but couldn't blame them for their behavior. This made the whole reading experience so real.
There are so many elements like love, drama, revenge. This was an action-packed, bold, brutal story that I LOVED and highly recommend to everyone.
I can just read and read the story of the Bond family and never get bored.
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